André S Ozturk

Date:2023-04-11 6:24 pm

André Ozturk is a violinmaker, cellist and artist. From his studio in Western Australia, he specialises in making and restoring instruments of the finest quality for professional musicians, soloists, students and collectors.
Born in  Perth in 1982, André began playing the cello at 7 years of age under Iain Grandage (later under Gregory Baron) and was immediately fascinated by the design and craftsmanship of the violin-family instruments. Growing up in an artistic household, André was always creating things from a very early age and throughout his childhood was immersed in his world of music, art, science, woodcarving, design, and inventions. 

Website Link
Phone Number +61 8 9388 1822
216 Nicholson Rd, Subiaco WA 6008, Australia
