Andrian Andreev

Date:2023-05-15 10:22 am

Andrian Andreev was born in Kazanlak, Bulgaria in 1965. Since a child he has applied himself to the fine arts.
In 1984 he graduated at the School of Fine Arts in Tryavna, Bulgaria, where the woodcarving art is of great tradition.

Since 1987 he has devoted himself to violin making under the guidance of Master Makers Mincho Katrandjiev and Edrio Edrev in his home town. The town of Kazanlak is known as the center of violin making in Bulgaria from the beginning of the 20th century.

In 1991 Andrian Andreev attended the International Violin Making School “Antonio Stradivari” in Cremona, Italy and earned his Diploma in 1995 under the guidance of Master Wanna Zambelli (apprentice of Pietro Sgarabotto and Francesco Bissolotti).

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