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Violinshops in Japan


Store specializing in stringed instruments for violins, violas and cellos.
+81 3-3464-8021

In general, I think that the image of the meaning of “jewel” is strong. On the other hand, an old English-Japanese dictionary describes it as “the most excellent and shining thing in
+81 3-5273-9552

Since establishing a stringed instrument specialty store in 1979, we have participated in various auctions around the world and imported and sold a large number of successful bids. Since our founding
+81 3-6721-9367

Musical instruments made of wood change daily under the influence of temperature and humidity. Especially in Japan, where the climate is changing rapidly, the burden on musical instruments is greater
+81 3-5784-2626

L’Arge Fine Violin was established to provide the highest quality stringed instruments and bows supported by many famous musicians. In order to handle musical instruments of the highest quality,
+81 3-6427-6688

Based on our abundant experience, we carefully work on the quality of each instrument while carefully assessing the history, characteristics, individuality, and characteristics of the performer. In an
+81 3-5803-6969

Manufacture and sale of stringed instruments
+81 80-5080-3851

It is possible to control the sound quality and playing comfort of the instrument body as appropriate by adjusting and replacing parts. On the other hand, bows are said to be more difficult than choos
+81 42-512-7320

Tokyo Strings has been in the business of string instruments for 43years in Japan. We carry only those instruments that have passed the strict inspection to be accepted as articles of virtu. Also the
+81 3-3352-7021

Since its founding in 1980, Nippon Violin is a leading trading company specializing in stringed instruments, with a track record of trust and achievements, and has delivered first-classold stringed
+81 78-332-1579

We have a wide lineup of stringed instruments from Europe such as Italy, France, and Germany. In addition to selling musical instruments at stores, some are also available at online shops .
+81 120-878-797

Your violin, viola, cello, and bow are very delicate and delicate works of art that stand apart from other musical instruments. In order to always keep the works in the best condition, accurate and co