Maestro Giovanni Lucchi, our father, has always put the search for high quality materials at the basis of the construction of his bows, and he taught us this. Our production is in fact appreciated and requested by the most demanding musicians for the particular attention in finding and using the best raw materials. The Pernambuco chosen, which our father carefully selected more than thirty years ago with the LucchiMeter, is still the same one we use today for very high level bows.
The aesthetic quality of the Lucchi bow is the result of an in-depth knowledge of the French classic taste, reinterpreted over the years by Maestr or Giovanni Lucchi who, giving particular importance to the functionality of the bow, derives a personal model from it. The same model that, as the leader of Italian bowmaking, he then passed on to the generations of bowmakers who learned this art from him.
The rigor used is a guarantee of quality and the expert musician, but not only, perceives it. This is why we invite our customers to try the bow for a long time, evaluating it even in extreme conditions, by playing, for example, a pianissimo at the tip. Doing so tests the entire rod, the entire curve and all the thicknesses, highlighting any weak points of that arc. Excellent tip fit means that the sound produced will go far, without the need for the bow to have a heavy cartridge, as is often mistakenly led to believe.
We are convinced that only the best bows perform well in extreme conditions.
This is our philosophy: the musician must find an ally in the bow that helps him concentrate on the performance, almost forgetting the bow itself.
Our bows for violin, viola, cello and double bass are all made with the highest quality materials, and in compliance with the constructive rigor that has characterized our business for over forty years. Energetic, elastic, snappy, they meet the needs of all musicians, from less experienced students to established concert performers.
▫ Archi d’Autore stamped M. Lucchi – Cremona
They represent the excellence of Lucchi production: made with high quality pernambuco wood and top quality hair, they are characterized by exceptional care even in stylistic details.
▫ High Level Studio Bows stamped Lucchi & Sons – Cremona
Made in the Lucchi laboratory, they are characterized by the high quality of pernambuco wood and horsehair, and rigorously follow the construction method of Maestro Giovanni Lucchi.
▫ Studio Bows
These are bows produced under our supervision, with our materials, or carefully selected, which allow the musician to start having a good quality bow, even if with a more limited initial budget, which introduces him to the world of professional musicians.
You only feel quality by trying!
This is why we recommend that all musicians come to our laboratory to try out all the types of our bows. The trial is a very delicate moment, which needs time and tranquility. We look forward to seeing you in Cremona.
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