Paolo Sorgentone and Michele Mecatti opened this shop in 1998, combining the different professional experiences acquired over the years to be able to offer complete assistance to string instrument musicians. Our main activity is the construction of tools that we make individually, entirely by our own hand, with traditional artisanal methods and with well seasoned and first choice materials. This guarantees an author’s product, recognizable in its personality, in the stylistic choices as well as for the acoustic characteristics.
To this production we are able to combine a certain number of tools made by our apprentices, always rigorously handmade, under our guidance, with our materials and guaranteed by us. You will benefit from assistance ranging from the most demanding restorations to routine repairs, including maintenance and repair services for the arches. In the “recording” of the instruments, our commitment is aimed at customizing the tuning according to the different needs of each individual musician. In addition to the instruments we produce, we have different instruments in terms of quality, age and origin.
The prices of our products are carefully evaluated and defined thanks to our thirty years of experience in the international market of string instruments. You will not find with us alleged “unmissable opportunities”, but simply a fair price that allows, among other things, to satisfy the points listed beside.
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