RAGNAR HAYN was born in Berlin in 1978 as the only son of an artist family and grew up in Hamburg. The art of violin making inspired him early. Already at the age of 12, he is the autodidactic craftsman. He began his professional training as violin maker and restorer at the world famous Newark School of Violin Making in England. After three years he received his diploma with distinction for special achievements. Ragnar Hayn returns to Berlin, where he works in the workshop of Daniel Kogge and Yves Gateau. During this intensive period he gained valuable experience as a restorer by working on instruments of the Italian masters of the 17th and 18th century.
In 2005, Ragnar Hayn is self-employed with his own workshop in Berlin. Since then, his focus has been on the construction of violins, violas and cellos. Ragnar Hayn was able to prove his craftsmanship and artistic skills during his training at international competitions. In addition to a number of awards, he gained a reputation as a violin maker of the highest international standards.
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