
More Germans watch Concerts of Classical Music than Football Matches

2017-06-04 Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Google+ String Instrument News

Forty percent attended Classical concerts than football league matches last 2016. The German Orchestral Association also is known as Deutsche Orchester Vereinigung, or DOV conducted the survey. The study shows that more German people have attending classical music concert than First Bundesliga matches last 2016.

Gerald Mertens, the managing director of DOV, said that there is a current trend shift experience in classical music. Radio ensembles and publicly funded orchestras have increased 10% during seasons 2015 and 2016. 13,800 events recorded, 5,800 of them are choral and symphonic concerts.

The orchestra is tremendously encouraging the younger generations today. Youths have developed their commitment to music education. Educational events conducted this year were 5,100. It is has increased 20% compared to the previous years according to Mertens.
