
We have found 157 items matching your search query.

Violinshops in Italy

+39 0423 948628

Violiniamati specializes in excellent quality old violins (circa 1850-1930) of outstanding value. At a time when antique musical instruments are very expensive to buy, I can offer quality old violins
+39 348 728 6046

Studio Restauro – Arte Liutaria is a Cremona-based workshop specializing in extensive restorations, making and sales of fine violins, violas, violoncellos and their bows. We pride ourselves in b

Could one make a Strad? Recently, working together, luthiers and restorers have redefined the understanding of what a Strad is, how it works. The question for me is: How can I make a better violin tha
+39 0372 801706

We are specialized in restoration and sound adjustment. In order to preserve the instruments’ original materials and to assure their faithful reconstruction – besides using traditional met
+39 347 739 7086

Welcome to the site officer of Marcelo Cavanna where you can get to know her history and its successes.. Observe the manufacturing process and attention to detail during the construction of his
+39 347 722 6232

“Handmade Bow Instruments, Classical Guitars, Acoustic Guitars, Incrinatura archetti, Valutazioni, Restauri, rettifica tastiere, strumenti musicali di liuteria, violin shop.”
+39 333 881 5421

Sebastiano Ferrari started violin making in 2009, he began his studies at the Milan Violin Making School. He graduated with honour under the guidance of Paola Vecchio, Gabriele Negri, Lorenzo Rossi an
+39 349 712 2878

Francesco Tarchi Violins
+39 346 330 4705

GIULIO AMATO, maker and restorer of violins, violas, and cellos. Maestro Amato attended the Civica Scuola di Liuteria di Milano (Violin Making School of Milan) under the guidance of Maestro Lore
+39 391 438 6951

Luthier en Cremona Lucas Fabro nace en el año 1991. A muy temprana edad comienza a demostrar interés por el trabajo en madera, gracias a formar parte de un grupo scout, agrupación a la que ingresa
+39 334 225 3876

Born in Sofia, Bulgaria in 1970, Dimitri Atanassov started learning the violin at the age of 6. After studying with Professor Anna Ivanova, Dimitri excelled in his studies at the Prague Academy of Art
+39 06 4470 3055

Box Sonora is the result of an idea matured over the years and refined by continuous experience in the music field. It is a unique place, in which various aspects of experiencing music converge: a m