New York

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Violinshops in New York

+1 631 277 4898

At Donato Music you always find a large selection of professional quality violins, violas, violoncellos and double basses. You will be amazed at our display. Come down and check out these magnificent
+1 212 281 7802

Offers exquisite craftsmanship exclusive services including: instrument repair, overhaul or remodeling of classic masterpieces as well as all-new construction of a customized instrument tailored to a
+1 585 449 5099

Sullivan Violins is a full service studio for stringed instrument players of all levels. We provide individual consultation and the expertise to assist customers in selecting, maintaining and restorin
+1 212 274 1322

Founded in 1978 by bassist David Gage, our shop specializes in the sale, restoration, and repair of string basses and cellos. Our client roster ranges from great orchestral musicians to jazz, rock 
+1 917 365 7808

We have over 100 instruments in our collection. Try as many as as you like in our elegant showroom, surrounded by my personal collection of historical documents of the greatest string players from Pag
+1 516 374 4943

I have a small private workshop in a quiet location on the south shore of Long Island. It is easily accessable from New York City. Visitors to my shop are welcomed by appointment. There are always ins
+1 315 637 1900

Hosmer Violins is proud to serve the musical community of Central New York and beyond. Since 1970 we have been the place to go for the student, amateur, and professional string musician. Our specialty
+1 607 749 2594

Located in Preble New York, but revered around the world, MacBlane Stringing Instuments is an all inclusive service headquaters for all of your stringed instrument needs. From Stradivarius to Stratoca
+1 212 586 4805

Our work is not just a business, it’s a Salchow family tradition for more than a half-century.  Since 2009, Isaac Salchow’s talented staff has worked with the original intent of his grand
+1 516 546 9300

Welcome to the online home of Kolstein Music, Inc. and Kolstein & Son, Ltd. The Samuel Kolstein Violin Shop was founded by Samuel Kolstein in 1943 as a Violin and Bow making establishment in Brook
+1 212 595 3389

Rare Violins of New York is an internationally respected firm in the world of fine instruments. Co-founders Bruno Price and Ziv Arazi are unique as experienced dealers and former professional musician
+1 212 769 4559

David Segal was born in Israel and is the son of violin maker, painter and wood carver Mendel Segal. Trained in Cremona, Italy at the International School of Violin Making, he was a student of Frances