
We have found 4 items matching your search query.

Violinshops in Tennessee


Understanding the needs of a diverse clientele, musicians who’s talents, training, and interests range from Celtic to orchestral, from jazz to country, from pop to classical, and from back porch to
+1 865 456 7891

Welcome to the home page of Kelvin William Marshall Scott, maker of fine violins, violas, and cellos. I am pleased to have this opportunity to share my instrument making with players from around the w

Appraisals- we’d be happy to value your instrument for you, just bring it by our store and one of luthiers will take a look at it. Written insurance apprasials availbe for a fee. Bow rehairs are
+1 615 662 1570

The Violin Shop, Nashville’s premier violin facility Violin Shop, has just completed its 18th year in business. A quality instrument is key to the beginning of every musician’s journey, which