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Violinshops in Texas

+1 713-526-4005

Mark  Lisle founded Lisle Violin Shop along with his wife Margaret Lisle in 1984 as a music educator who had dealt daily with the struggle to maintain the condition of his student’s stringed instru

We provide quality stringed musical instruments for the beginning student or the trained professional. Our shop provides affordable rentals, repairs, and restoration. Visit one of our locations and

Dorian Barnes was born in Philadelphia, PA the youngest of three children to concert pianist, Sheryll McManus and violist, Darrel Barnes. Grandfather Ray M. Barnes was a violinist, amateur violin mak

Since 1984 Young Musicians, Inc. has earned the level of customer respect you only receive from a small family-owned business. With customers now in over 70 countries we reach out to the Suzuki Method
+1 512 467 2277

Our new instruments and bows follow outstanding classical models to assure fidelity to the ideals of the finest Italian violinmakers and French bowmakers. Among our recent notable restoration projects

Craig’s Violins is owned and operated by Craig & Teresa Walker. Located in the Lakeway community of Austin, Texas “The Live Music Capital of the World”. We offer a full ser

Jacob Simmons Violins is located southeast of Austin amongst the beautiful cattle ranches in Niederwald, TX.  We are a full service shop with limited hours, so calling for an appointment is recommen

Abbas Selgi, the owner of Terra Nova Violins, has over 30 years of experience in all aspects of luthierie. In 1997 he emigrating to San Antonio from Tehran, where he had a successful violin-making sho

Elisabeth Steves (Director) double bassist, won a downbeat Magazine Outstanding Performance Award for recording the Koussevitzky Concerto with orchestra in 1982. After majoring in double bass, as well

Alkis Rappas has been passionate about violins for over 50 years. He started taking private violin lessons at the age of nine. Later, he received formal violin training at the Bucharest School of Musi

We are the leading resource for violin, viola, cello, and bass players in the Austin area. Our staff of professional string players offers assistance and guidance for any skill level, from discerning
+1 512 476 6927

Since 1993, Violins Etc. has been supporting student and professional string players in the Live Music Capital of the World. Locally owned, Violins Etc. was established on the principle that high qual