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Violinshops in Washington


Kenmore Violins Owner Dr. Jeff Loen has extensive training in violin making, restoration, and bow rehair and repair. After earning a Ph.D. in geoscience research, he trained his researcher’s focus o

Since 1984 we have been serving professional and amateur violin, viola cello players and collectors in Seattle, the Pacific Northwest and beyond. Located in North Seattle University District, David T.

We specialize in the sale of rare, Old World violins, violas and cellos, and instruments made by the finest contemporary makers. We also have student grade violins as low as $4,000 and occasionally lo

Welcome to Renaissance Acoustics, the place where the immortal sound of the Classic Italian violin is being reborn. Renaissance Acoustics is dedicated to the pursuit of the perfect violin sound throug

I began making violins in 2000 as a hobby. My grandfather was my inspiration as he began making violins in the late 70’s under the instruction of Luthier Del Brock. As time passed I became more

Our Instruments Each instrument we offer represents what we believe to be the best available throughout the nation at its respective price point. There is no instrument in our product line that we wou

Lasley Violins provides friendly, expert service with a personal touch. As with people, each violin is unique. Fittings, strings, bows, and set-up can all alter the sound and playability of an instrum

For over thirty years, it has been Morgan’s goal to create bows of the highest quality for violin, viola and cello. It requires him to seek out the best materials, refine methods and continually

Applebaum’s. We are a full service violin shop in the business of making, buying and selling fine violins, violas and cellos since 1975. Our skilled violin makers perform the highest quality repair

Hammond Ashley Violins believes in the importance of a strong musical community at every scale- from the local to the global. We are committed to endeavors which help ensure the vitality and longevity

Seattle violin maker David T. Van Zandt Since 1987 I’ve worked in Seattle as a full-time professional violin maker. I continue to develop my craft by seeking out opportunities to examine and lis

Ms. Baumgartel is an active bow maker, constructing fine bows for professional musicians, conservatory students, collectors, avid adult players, select dealers and major violin shops in the United Sta