32232 Canada Ave W, Northfield, MN 55057, USA +1 507 645 7557
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In addition to the violins, violas, and cellos that I make myself, I always have an apprentice or two making instruments that sell in a lower price range than my instruments. These apprentice instruments are constructed using my wood, patterns, measurements, varnish, etc, under my direct and close supervision. They are fantastic values. I also carry a line of the best student violins, violas, and cellos available, most of which are made in eastern Europe or Germany, and are set-up and adjusted in my studio.

I have focused all of my energy and attention on building some of the finest violins, violas, and cellos made in the world today. I have won dozens of medals and awards for my instruments in major international violin making competitions. I have made more than 200 violins, violas, and cellos (along with three bases) which are being played in major orchestras and conservatories across the United States and Europe.

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Phone Number +1 507 645 7557
distance: 13,695 Kilometers
Address 32232 Canada Ave W, Northfield, MN 55057, USA
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