Cantianstr 11, 10437, BERLIN, Germany 49 30 444 73 22
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Since 1994 there is the Geigenbau-Werkstatt Gentges & Scheit in Berlin.
For many years this workshop lay in the quiet but dark backyard of Paul Robeson Street 47; Since the spring of 2011 we have been working in still quiet, but much brighter rooms in Cantianstraße 11.
However, we have remained faithful to the Penzlauer Berg (today part of Pankow).

Cantianstr 11, BERLIN, 10437, Germany

Contact Kevin Gentges or Felix Scheit
Tel +49 304 447322 Fax +49 304 447321

Website Link Visit Link Here
Phone Number 49 30 444 73 22
distance: 15,678 Kilometers
Address Cantianstr 11, 10437, BERLIN, Germany
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