Roger Hargrave was born in Leeds England in 1948. He initially studied fine arts and for a time taught painting in English state schools. In the 1970’s he made harpsichords and spinets, before retraining as a violinmaker at the Newark school in England. From the Newark school he joined the workshop of W. E. Hill & Sons London, where he worked as a restorer of fine Italian instruments.
In 1981 Hargrave moved to Bremen in Germany as manager of Geigenbau Machold’s workshop. At Machold’s he was responsible for assembling one of the largest and most distinguished teams of bowed stringed instrument restorers in the world.
Entenfang 18, Meyenburg, SCHWANEWEDE, 28790, Germany
Contact Roger Hargrave or Claudia Arft
Tel/Fax +49 4209 2591
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