Picasso and Stravinsky and their funny story
2017-10-13 String Instrument News
We may think that renowned artists like Picasso and Stravinsky lived a serious life, maybe because of the remarkable artistry that they display. However, not all happenings are serious though; they had some events that are outrageous and funny. Just like what happened to the famous Stravinsky, a Russian composer when he visited another renowned guy Pablo Picasso a painter. To make Stravinsky’s visit memorable, Picasso drew a portrait of him. Stravinsky packed the picture as a remembrance, placed it in his luggage and went off to go back to Switzerland.
He never thought that the memorable drawing would be that memorable when the customs officer found it in his suitcase as he was on his way to Switzerland. The officer started to suspect about the picture. He thought it was a spy plan. So Stravinsky underwent an interrogation.
The customs officer asked, “What is this picture?” “It was me!” said Stravinsky, “Piccaso drew it for me.” “Nonsense!” the officer replied, “this must be a plan.” Stravinsky said, “Yes it’s a plan…a plan of my face.”
The customs thought that Stravinsky was a spy, and the picture that they’ve found in his suitcase was no other than a top-secret military plan. Because of the incident, Stravinsky had to identify himself by calling his friends. Eventually, he was released from the British embassy and went home to Switzerland with his memorable picture.
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