
We have found 157 items matching your search query.

Violinshops in Italy

+39 0422235254

FRANCO SIMEONI Franco Simeoni and ‘born in Treviso in 1958. After earning a maturity’ scientific, worked in the workshop of luthier Fabrizio Reginato, near Asolo where he began “to s
+39 333 804 2179

ROSENBLUM MASTER VIOLIN MAKER Beautifully crafted and acoustically excellent, Yael Rosenblum’s instruments are chosen to be played in all countries around the world by the best musicians. Among them
+39 0445 300672

FABIO DALLA COSTA Fabio Dalla Costa graduated at the International Violinmaking School of Cremona in 1984. A pupil of G.B. Morassi until 1988. F.D.C. in 2004, after a four years study about the violin
+39 335 249238

Edo Sartori, nato a Schio nel Maggio 1961. I was born in Schio (Italy) in 1961 and I make bowed string instruments.     Costruisco strumenti ad arco. Ho cominciato tardi, da autodidatta, nel 
+39 0423 948628

Violiniamati specializes in excellent quality old violins (circa 1850-1930) of outstanding value. At a time when antique musical instruments are very expensive to buy, I can offer quality old violins
+39 0423 948628

Richard Alexander is of English origin and moved to Italy in 1975. Has studied at the International School of Violin Making in Cremona under the guidance of Maestro Giorgio Cè from 1975 to 1976 and
+39 0481 485161

B & C was established in 1985 by the idea of ​​two young friends, Vittorio Clemente and Bogaro Edi to accomplish something to pay for studies. University, the Conservatory and jurisprudence fo
+39 04620813262

ENRICO CIRESASRL The company Ciresa was founded in Tesero-Trento in 1952 by Enrico Ciresa (1922-1991), after long years of experience and skills gained in the manufacture of Delmarco and Bozzetta pian
+39 320 852 2927

Welcome to Liuteria Zerilli, where passion meets craftsmanship. Our expert luthier, Luca Zerilli, has dedicated his life to creating exceptional string instruments that are not only beautiful to look
+39 347 739 7086

Welcome to the site officer of Marcelo Cavanna where you can get to know her history and its successes.. Observe the manufacturing process and attention to detail during the construction of his

Studio Restauro’s mission is straightforward: provide the market with quality restorations. A faithful restoration follows as closely as possible the original intent of the maker. It is always i
+39 347 174 0821

Born in Gubbio in 1968, thanks to my passion for classical music, I started building musical instruments as an autodidact. After attending the lutherie school in Gubbio I specialized in the reproduct