
We have found 18 items matching your search query.

Violinshops in Minnesota

+1 952 994 4872

All Daniel Arlig violins are made entirely by me, using traditional tools and methods, while benefiting from the information and knowledge of centuries of violin making, available now more than ever.Â
+1 612 375 0708

Claire Givens Violins has been serving the needs of string players locally, nationally and internationally for over 20 years. We sell fine violins, violas, cellos and their bows and accessories. Our w
+1 952 929 0026

All instruments, regardless of price, are professionally reconditioned and set-up with the same care.  We maintain a large selection in all price ranges under $15,000.  Home trials are available, al
+1 651 228 0783

Fein Stringed Instruments has served professionals and students since 1982 with superior service and a fine selection of Violins, Violas, and Cellos. We are a string instrument shop that specializes i
+1 763 213 9343

PETER BINGEN started as a professional woodworker/cabinetmaker with a passion for the violin. He apprenticed at The Violin Shop of Santa Fe in 2001, which eventually led to enrollment at the North Ben
+1 612 375 0750

Andrew Dipper Restorations has been in the business of restoring, conserving and building historic musical instruments for over 45 years. Originally founded in London, the Dipper workshop relocated to
+1 507 645 7557

In addition to the violins, violas, and cellos that I make myself, I always have an apprentice or two making instruments that sell in a lower price range than my instruments. These apprentice instrume
+1 763 544 1021

William Robert Scott founded Scott Violins in 1985 and joined Scott Studios, Inc. in 2005, founded by his wife, Susan Scott. His interest in violin-making began in 1970 when he met Martin Bielke, a we
+1 651 698 4692

John Waddle graduated from the Violin Making School of America in 1981, where his instructors included Peter Prier, Paul Hart, Jeff Robinson and Chris DeGroot. He then worked in Peter Prier’s vi
+1 507 645 0046

Matt Wehling first began bow work in 1991, inspired by watching a repairman take the top off his violin. Like many of his American contemporaries, his first studies were at week-long summer courses wi
+1 888 263 2269

Tracing its lineage back to the very first carbon fiber part ever produced, CodaBow is recognized worldwide as the pioneer of the modern bow. The combined expertise of a composite scientist, aerospace
+1 406 542 2012

I began making instruments in 1974 at age 16. In 1983 I graduated from the Violin Making School of America in Salt Lake City after completing four years of study. As a further step toward establishing