South Africa

We have found 6 items matching your search query.

Violinshops in South Africa

+27 83 270 4757

Simon Hill. Professional master carpenter since 1995 as well as musician and cellist has focused his exceptional craftsmanship and love of string instruments in the repair and rebuilding of violins. I
+27 82 829 6278

​The “Hannes Jacobs violins” online shop is presently one of the most extensive online shops in South Africa, and the range of products will be extended over time. All products listed are direct

The aim of this site is to advertise our own instruments we wish to sell. All the instruments here are second hand. They have been used for our professional work for different lengths of time. That is
+27 82 560 2432

MURRAY KUUN LUTHIER I have always been a great lover of music, that is what all this is about, music! That, and my love for good design, I have always designed. I started making violins in the 1990′
+27 83 652 3556

DAWNE H ADD AD Dawne has been involved in instrument making for the past 30 years. It was chance – or destiny – that led her on this path. Equipped with a masters degree in physics she was
+27 82 903 5832

ALBERTUS BEKKER My passion for the violin was ignited at the age of eight, when I started playing the instrument as one of Annemarie Swanepoel’s pupils in Pretoria. During 1990, while studying e