Via Bardellona, n'19 26100 Cremona CR Italy +39 333 686 9147
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She was born in Seoul, in South Korea, in 1980.
She learned to play violin when she was a child.
In 2002, she graduated at University in violin section.
In 2003, she came to Italy for studying at violin making school of Cremona “Antonio Stradivari “(I.P.I.A.L.L).

Since the, she dedicated  to put professionale effort in her instruments.

Her instruments are models form traditional Cremonese, she also dedicated particular attention to the choice of materials and the quality of sound.
She lives and works in Cremona where makes violin, viola and cellos.
She also dedicated to the restoration and the acoustic improving of instruments.

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Phone Number +39 333 686 9147
distance: 16,207 Kilometers
Address Via Bardellona, n'19 26100 Cremona CR Italy
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