Hellkamp 76. HAMBURG, 20255, Germany +49 40 430 97 399
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Most of the bows I make from snakes. It is a very fine-pored, very dense and hard wood, which has a drawing reminiscent of snake skin. Snake is a tropical wood from South America, which was already used in the arch building in the 17th century. For Baroque models, it is an excellent choice as it has the right elasticity. The sound of snake bows I would call warm and the playing characteristics have a directness and precise drawing depending on the model.

However, I am more and more convinced that from a historical point of view, snakewood may not have been the prevalent wood of the “baroque arches”. Rather, I think the domestic woods have played an important role. Also the screw-frog, as we have it today on most baroque models, was probably a rarer variant.
I make my models of plum, wild berries and hornbeam with a plug frog, which runs in a rail and can be pulled back for easy regulation of the tension.

Hellkamp 76. HAMBURG, 20255, Germany

Contact Ina Keller
Tel +49 40 430 97 399

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Phone Number +49 40 430 97 399
distance: 15,831 Kilometers
Address Hellkamp 76. HAMBURG, 20255, Germany
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