Schwarzwaldstr 26, 76102, FREIBURG, Germany +49 76 177440
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1960 Born in Mittenwald
1966-1975 Volks- und Hauptschule in Mittenwald
22.09.1975 – 15.02.1979 Teaching at the state vocational and technical school in Mittenwald, studied under Alois Hornsteiner, Andreas Fürst, Franz Reindl and Ferdinand Edbauer
15.03.1979 – 30.09.1979 At Karl F. Mages in Stuttgart
subsequently: Military service
01.08.1981 – 31.07.1986 Journeyman at Anton Maller in Mittenwald, a lot of new construction
21.07.1984 Master’s examination in Mittenwald
01.09.1986 – 30.09.1988
15.05.1989 – 28.02.1990 Workshop manager and master of Hans Schicker in Freiburg, extension of the repair skills and study of the old masters
01.10.1988 – 15.04.1989 New construction in Mittenwald
01.03.1990 Opening and founding of the company Michael Geiger & Schicker KG, Freiburg i. Brsg., Schwarzwaldstr. 26, as a business partner and successor to Hans Schicker. For the time being, Hans Schicker closed his workshop as of 01.01.1990.
Since 01.03.1997 Sole owner of the company

Schwarzwaldstr 26, FREIBURG, 79102, Germany

Contact Michael Geiger
Tel +49 76177440
Fax +49 76177414

Website Link Visit Link Here
Phone Number +49 76 177440
distance: 16,266 Kilometers
Address Schwarzwaldstr 26, 76102, FREIBURG, Germany
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