Birkenwerderstr 53, 16540, Hohen Neuendorf, BERLIN, Germany +49 1 577 1 311697
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Thilde van Norel nurtures from her childhood a close relationship to the violin, playing in orchestras, quartets and duos. While studying political science, she also learned to play the cello. After finishing her studies, she worked five years for the Dutch government. During this period she discovered violinmaking, and this is when everything started to come together. Determined to change direction and follow her passion, she moved to England to study violinmaking and restoration at the Newark School of Violin Making. She graduated succesfully, her cello being selected to be played by the Allegri Quartet during the diploma ceremony. In 2007 she started an atelier for stringed instruments in Berlin, Germany, with her husband, the classical guitarmaker Christian Koehn. They both have established a career in the making of high quality stringed instruments. In 2011 Thilde was the co-founder of a group called Picea, where four instrumentmakers worked independently whilst profiting from knowledge exchange and combined research. “It is in everyone’s interest to share knowledge and experience, this is why we can reach nowadays such an incredible level in contemporary violin making.” The main focus of Thilde’s work lies on the making of the violoncello. Her instruments are widely appreciated for having a rich and complex sound, and a quick and easy response. As Thilde says: “Love and diligence are the engines to my work.”

Katzbachstr 9, BERLIN, 10965, Germany

Contact Thilde van Norel
Tel +49 1 577 1 311697

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Phone Number +49 1 577 1 311697
distance: 15,680 Kilometers
Address Birkenwerderstr 53, 16540, Hohen Neuendorf, BERLIN, Germany
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