
We have found 14 items matching your search query.

Violinshops in Quebec

+1 438 887 1497

Fabienne Gauchet was trained at the school of violin making in Newark, England. After obtaining her diploma in 1998, she continued her training during internships, notably in France, her country of
+1 514 441 5801

Making musical instruments that sound, perform, last and are attractive is an art and a calling.   Our quest is to create a symbiosis between the musician and his instrument through the production
+ 1 514 572 0238

March 1-4: 5th annual Contemporary American Violin & Bow Maker Exhibition, Metzler Violin Shop, Los Angeles, CA. May 19 to 21: EKHO #4, Brussels, September 18:
+1 514 975 2796

Jean-Benoît Stensland began his apprenticeship in Montreal under luthier Antoine Robichaud. This training enabled him to obtain in 1980 a Canada Art Council grant to study at the International Scho
+1 514 271 7838

Bow Maker in the French Tradition These bows are in the hands of these musicians: St. Lawrence String Quartet (USA), Gryphon Trio (Canada) Cecilia String Quartet (Canada), Dover Quartet (USA), Excelsa
+1 514 495 8610

 In June 2007,  a new  workshop devoted solely to  bow making was born.  Well lit, located in the heart of Montreal’s artistic district on  avenue de  l’Espla nad e (Mile-
+1 418 529 9071

Guillaume Schönau is a member of the American Federation of Violin and Bow Makers (AFVBM), the Makers’ Forum and the Violin Society of America (VSA). He runs “Schönau & Tardif Luthiers I
+1 888 419 9453

Fine stringed instruments and bows. Sales, restorations, repairs and fabrication. Verbal and written estimates.
+1 514 288 4343

The making of a violin is a work of precision, based on ancient proven methods which have remained unchanged for centuries. Classical Cremonese-style models, such as Stradivari and Guarneri, are those
+1 514 931 6092

Mr. Lamarre mainly manufactures instruments that compose the string quartet and double bass. He studied from 1977 to 1980 with the Italian master Luthier Sylvio de Lellis who was then living in Quebec
+1 514 288 4343

Over the years, several activities have been added to the workshop: a direct import service from European and Eastern manufacturers, study violin models specially built to our specifications, exhibiti
+1 514 270 1661

The work of a master luthier is penetrated by a personal imprint – the gesture – which determines the character of each of the instruments he makes. The gesture gives the instrument an exc