2865 Valle Vista St, Minneapolis, MN 55427, USA +1 763 544 1021
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William Robert Scott founded Scott Violins in 1985 and joined Scott Studios, Inc. in 2005, founded by his wife, Susan Scott. His interest in violin-making began in 1970 when he met Martin Bielke, a well-known bow-maker and repairman in the ‘60s and ‘70s. Bill Scott completed his first violin through book knowledge (You Can Make a Stradivarius by Joseph Reid) and worked for Dahl Violin Shop in Minneapolis from 1977–1983. Attending his first VSA (Violin Society of America) Competition in 1980 at Hofstra University, New York he met Mr. Hans Weisshaar and in 1984 began working at the shop of Hans Weisshaar, Inc. in Los Angeles. Bill quickly gained access to great instruments of the classic masters and this apprenticeship helped him develop an eye for the important nuances of quality seen in these works. Repairing and studying these fine instruments for the next couple years opened a new world of great beauty and craft which he has tried to capture since.

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Phone Number +1 763 544 1021
distance: 13,942 Kilometers
Address 2865 Valle Vista St, Minneapolis, MN 55427, USA
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