
We have found 73 items matching your search query.

Violinshops in Canada

+1 418 529 9071

Guillaume Schönau is a member of the American Federation of Violin and Bow Makers (AFVBM), the Makers’ Forum and the Violin Society of America (VSA). He runs “Schönau & Tardif Luthiers I
+1 902 423 7946

The HALIFAX FOLKLORE CENTRE was started and has been under continuous ownership by Tom and Marla Dorward since 1971. We are a unique music shop in a 135 year-old Victorian home, where stringed musical
+1 416 971 6990

The Sound Post is a full-service violin shop renowned for providing string players with quality products and world-class services at excellent prices. We restore, repair, evaluate, buy and sell violin
+780 438 4310

We provide instruments and accessories to the orchestral strings community in Edmonton and surrounding area. Whether you need a new instrument, a rental, repairs, or even a rebuild of a beloved heirlo
+1 250 370 6046

James Ham is a professional luthier dedicated to the repair, restoration and new construction of violin family instruments and bows. A member of the prestigious American Federation of Violin and Bowma
+1 514 975 2796

Jean-Benoît Stensland began his apprenticeship in Montreal under luthier Antoine Robichaud. This training enabled him to obtain in 1980 a Canada Art Council grant to study at the International Scho
+1 888 419 9453

Fine stringed instruments and bows. Sales, restorations, repairs and fabrication. Verbal and written estimates.
+1 613 569 4803

Guy Harrison has over 20 years of experience producing high quality modern concert violins, violas and cellos, including antiqued copies of old Italian instruments. Through his study of classic Italia
+1 250 595 5593

R. Kim Tipper & Associates Fine Violins is committed to respecting confidentiality and protecting the privacy of personal customer information, in accordance with the Personal Information Protecti
+1 833 384 6546

Rhiannon commissions, direct from the workshops and master makers, a very choice selection of instruments crafted to her specifications so every tone quality and price range is represented. Many produ
+1 416 363 0093

As Conservators of fine and rare instruments, our restoration rooms are internationally renowned for the highest level of excellence in repairs and personal sound adjustments. The care and attention g
+1 250 247 8030

Canadian Bow Maker Michael Vann was trained in New York City in the shop of the world renowned master Bow Maker William Salchow. Since embarking on his career in 1975 he has won six international and